We are the largest Women’s Golf Association (WGA) in eastern North Carolina. We have an active membership which includes residents and non residents. The reason we are the largest women’s golf association in eastern North Carolina is because of the mentoring with new golfers, the emphasis on friendly competition and having fun.

About The WGA
The purpose statement of our association is to increase active participation, to encourage friendly competition, and to promote interest in the game of golf among the ladies of Cypress Landing Golf Course. The CLWGA has both a golfing membership as well as a social non-golfing membership. A WGA handbook is provided to each member with important facts and explanations for the newcomer. The WGA Bylaws can be accessed below.
The WGA has an 18-hole group and a 9-hole group and includes women of all ages and handicaps. The women play from the red tees, the green hybrid tees, or the forward teal tees. Golf is a social game, and the WGA season demonstrates that fact. The March through November season includes weekly Play-days each Thursday geared for all levels of play, monthly Ladies Night Out (nine holes of golf followed by dinner), a Member-Member, a two-day WGA Solheim Cup, and a WGA President’s Cup.
Events With The WGA
Member-Member is a flighted tournament with pay out for winning teams. Prizes for closet to pin add to the excitement.
The WGA Solheim Cup is a two-day event and is for bragging rights only. Team captains are selected for the red and blue teams. The strategy is to match ladies with like handicaps to play friendly competitive games. The first day of the Solheim Cup is two 9-hole matches of alternate shot and best ball for each team. The second day is singles match play for 18- and 9-hole groups. The Solheim Cup matches include alternate shot, better ball, and match play.
The President’s Cup is played once a month with a two-day golfing climax in October. Winners in each 9-hole and 18-hole tee group are rewarded for best gross score and best net score.
CL WGA members can elect to participate in two area women golf associations, Down East Women’s Golf Association (DEWGA) and Crystal Coast Ladies Golf Association.

Join The WGA!
These tournaments would not be possible without the volunteerism of our lady members. It takes a village!
The WGA has a celebratory tournament for Opening and Closing Day. Each year at closing day, new officers are elected and the gavel is transferred. The WGA is a great way for ladies to connect with the Cypress Landing golfing community. The organization fosters ladies to play more, play better, have fun and make friends.
If you are a new to Cypress Landing Golf, please be sure to join the WGA….simply let someone know in the Golf Shop or a WGA member you would like to become a member. See you on the course. We look forward to having new members JOIN US!